- Official Sources Only
Always refer to CeDeFiAi’s official pages and website for accurate project information. Avoid trusting unofficial sources or third parties. If in doubt, verify on CeDeFiAi’s official channels.
- Respect Each Other
We’re all here to learn and grow. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. No personal attacks, harassment, or hate speech will be tolerated.
- Keep It Relevant
Please keep discussions and posts related to CeDeFiAi, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and related topics. Off-topic posts may be removed.
- No Spam
Avoid posting repetitive content, self-promotion, or unsolicited advertisements. Let’s keep the community focused on valuable discussions.
- Protect Your Privacy
Never share sensitive personal information like your password, API keys, or wallet details in the community. CeDeFiAi will never ask for these details.
- No Financial Advice
While we encourage sharing knowledge and experiences, please refrain from giving or soliciting financial advice. Everyone’s financial situation is unique.
- Follow the Law
No discussions or suggestions of illegal activities. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions about hacking, tax evasion, or illegal trading.
- Be Constructive
When giving feedback or criticism, please be constructive and respectful. We’re all here to help CeDeFiAi improve.
- No FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)
Spreading FUD or misinformation about CeDeFiAi or other community members is not allowed. Always check your facts before posting.
- Respect Intellectual Property
Only share content that you have the right to. It’s illegal to share copyrighted material without permission.
- Moderators’ Discretion
Moderators reserve the right to remove content or ban users who violate these rules, at their discretion.
By participating in the CeDeFiAi community, you agree to abide by these rules. Let’s work together to create a welcoming and productive environment for all members.